Good morning witches! Over the years it still amazes me the reaction you can some times get when the subject of Tarot comes up. For me they are an esenssal part of my daily practice and of my craft. I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now if It wasn’t… Read more“20th February 2022 Play your cards right?”
Author: admin
6th Febuary 2022 Breaking of the dawn
Good Morning Witches! Tucked away here in the country side, we don’t have a lot of light pollution from street lights and the light from the town is behind us. This week I’ve notice that the dawn light is getting up not long after I do. And I’m loving it…. Read more“6th Febuary 2022 Breaking of the dawn”
30th January 2022 Imbolc
Good Morning witches! Midwinter. You would hardly know that we are still in winter at the moment if it wasn’t for the cold crispy mornings and having to scrap the ice off your windscreen in the mornings. Yesterday morning, here in the south of the UK it was warm enough… Read more“30th January 2022 Imbolc”