Good morning witch’s
It’s a warm winters Sunday morning here in the south of the uk this morning. I only mention that because yesterday when I was out on my walk in the local woods I noticed the change of the session from the Autumnal to Winter. And the wheel of the year keeps on turning. Soon we’ll be starting to think about Yule and starting preparing for the Sabbat and Equinox.
To round of this little series of blogs based on the witches triangle of To keep secret, to Dare, to Know I wanted to end with To Know. Not because it’s the most important, it’s a triangle so none are more important than the others, but because it’s the core of my craft. Witchcraft is a practice, not a religion. Although you can add religious elements to your Craft, Wicca for example, and my own personal faith and dedication to the Goddess rules a lot of what I do, its not central to my practice of witchcraft. You can be a very successful witch without following any doctrine or aline yourself to any set of Deities. But for most of us it all goes hand in hand. But what is core to any witch is her knowledge. From the first time you pick up a spell book or download a ritual from the internet you’ve started a life long time of learning and coming to understand. Now you could just down load a Ritual, do it, like following the steps in a recipe and you will have some results. For most of the downloadable Rituals available for the everyday mundane to do like a Ritual Salt bath for cleansing or a herbal charm bag to help reduce anxiety and stress, then you’ll be fine and may even get good results. But to truly understand what you’re trying to do and why you’re doing it and the correspondences you’ll need to manifest your outcome takes a life time of learning and practice. To know isn’t just about book learning. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good study session and I try to get in a couple of hours every weekend to sit with a book and learn more about the world of the witch, but it’s also about putting that all in to practice. Book learning is all fine and good and should be a central part of your study but you also need To Dare to put it in to practice too.
If you spend any amount of time googling stuff on the interwebs the first thing you’ll get is a headache and you’ll spend a lot of time wondering what is right. As many witch’s are there are, you can properly double that to find out how many ways there are to walk the path. Here, To Know means to know yourself and you most trust your own instincts on what is going to be right for you and what isn’t right. What is right for your favourite interweb witch properly won’t work for you. To know yourself is the best gift you’ll receive when you step on to the witch’s path.
The other thing I want to touch on this morning is the Cosmic rules. Rule of three / Karma / The Law of Rebound etc – basically what ever you put out in to the universe you’ll get back. Yes that is true but if you learn how to work with Karma and don’t throw around hex’s for the sake of it, then you’ll properly be ok. Always be open to the fact that the Goddess may just be using you to hand out her justice in real time. If you also add in the other “dark” Goddess in to your Pantheon then at some point you’ll be doing work that might cause you to think twice about what you’re doing. So you really do need to know what your doing.
On my journey along the path I have come to acknowledge my darker self and I acknowledge that as being part of the human condition. The world is not set up in black and white, fluffy rainbows or horned demons it’s a mix of both. And sometimes good intentions turn out the nastiest of results. For me To Know is a mix of book knowledge, knowledge learn “on the Job” and inner knowing of your shadow self as well as how you present. And that is why it’s core to your witch path.
From my own life journey I know that my darker side dislikes most things Corporate and I have to stop myself from hexing the hell out of any thing to do with HR, but the next wanker that pulls out in front of me is going to find a demon hedgehog with metal spikes wedged in to his front tyre. Just kidding but it does give you space to separate the “playground” stuff from what really matters. And remember that most people are just doing a job, and as long as they get paid they don’t really care or have never thought further than that. So the next time Karen from HR sends round another email reminding every one that items in the office fridge should be labelled and you must check the best before dates then does she really deserve to have that broomstick shoved up her arse? Save your big spells for the things that really matter.
Have a blessed week, Later’s witches!