15 May 2022 Full Moon…..again

This moonflower bush has blooms that will only bloom at bight.

Good morning witches! it’s that time of the month again when we can let lose under the full moon. To be honest at the moment I feel like some one needs to insert two big size D batteries up my arse just to get the energy up to level where I can do anything! Now is that because we are also in Retrograde at the moment or the two late nights I’ve just had, one being a lucky boy and one rooting for the UK in the Eurovision?

The thing about being in Retrograde (when mercury looks like it’s going backwards across the night sky) is that it does play havoc in all sorts of unexpected ways and for me at the moment it seems like it’s a big energy drain that could be any number of mundane things, two late nights, lots going on at work, stress about money etc. I don’t think it’s witchy but to be honest at the moment I feel about as far from witch as you can get!

It’s the flower moon of May (Monday night UK time). Named as such cause of the amount of full bloom’s you can see around you at the moment. This is when nature starts the process of transforming pollen and buzzing flying things in to seeds and fruit. The flower moon is also a reminder that that transformation is some times a hard and difficult process. Might be why I’m lacking the energy at the moment too. This year has seen a lot of brake ups and changes for lots of us. Allowing the things that are not working for you to leave is not always an easy process, even more so when you wasn’t expecting it to happen as in my case, but yo have to keep the faith that it’s for the right reason and that it’s making way for better things to come in. As a sign of this when I was out for my afternoon walk yesterday I came across a slow worm basking in the afternoon sun in the middle of the path.

Technically not a snake (legless lizard) but as the UK only has 1 native snake left in the wild (and I’ve not seen an Adder for years) it’s the closest I’m going to find walking in the English countryside. Why is this a good sign? Well despite what the christians would have you think, in the ancient world snakes represent energy, life, healing and even wealth. They are also a symbol of Hekate as well. So I was very pleased when I came across this not so little fella in the woods yesterday. Other than him basking in the sun shine, why I came across him in the open I’m not sure of yet. A wonderful sign that the Goddess was walking with me, and I hope that she placed him their as a sign that the spell I’m working on has been received and is being worked. Have to wait and see on that one, but I have hope.

It took me a long time to get away from my Christian dis like of snakes and to have a better understanding of the symbolism of them. But in true to form of the early church anything they saw a a threat was turned in to something “evil” so it makes sense that it was a snake that was chosen as the badie in the garden story. I still wouldn’t cuddle one and I”m glad that they are kept behind glass at the zoo but I’d like to think I have a better idea of the symbolism of them now then I did. If I had come across an Adder yesterday, believe me I’d still be running for the hills rather than sitting here writing up a blog post! so if you still feel a bit icky about snakes, believe me you’re not the only one.

There was some talk of a good storm blowing through in the next couple of days but I don’t think that is going to happen, as I would have loved to have collected some of the water for some Storm water for the supplies cupboard – I guess that’s going to have to wait a little till we have a really good thunder storm over the summer.

Anyway back to full moon. As well as the usual full moon stuff that needs to be done – charing crystals, topping up the moon water, drawing down the moon rite, smudging cards. I’ve also got another little trick planed as well. Not going to tell you, you don’t have to know every witches bit of business! But as a meditation aid and on this flower moon I’m going to put one of the big flower heads off our Rhododendron in to a bowl of water and place it on my alter to help centre the energy a bit more.

I hope you all have a wonderful full moon and a blessed week. Laters witches!

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